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Hope Boxes

~ a reminder that someone cares

Hope Boxes.

Hope Boxes are tangible reminders that someone cares and that there is Hope. Each box includes items helpful to a widow and is lovingly assembled by a woman in our Hope Gathering community. Through donations from our ministry supporters, we are able to make these Hope Boxes available to hurting widows at no cost.

Special Note:

Due to increased demand, please allow up to 6-8 weeks for delivery. Thank you for your patience as our volunteers work diligently to assemble and ship your Hope Box.

We are terribly sorry but, due to the cost of shipping, we are unable to send our Hope Boxes beyond the United States. Please visit our resources page to find recommended books and websites to help you navigate your grief.

Each Box Contains:

Large Print Bible, to help you read through your tears

Beyond the Darkness by Clarissa Moll

A devotional book specific to widows

Heaven Booklet by Randy Alcorn

A bracelet with the word HOPE engraved on it

Journal and pen

Scripture cards

Waterproof mascara, a reminder that someone “gets it”

Helpful grief-related resources

A personal note written by another widow

And other items to encourage and pamper

~ support our mission

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